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【Menso Brush】
This brush is a traditional Japanese brush
known as a "Menso" brush.
The "Fine line drawing face brush small"
used in this video is
especially recommended for beginners.
The name "Menso" comes from its original
use in painting faces.
"Menso" means "facial expression,"
and these brushes were named for
their application in capturing
facial features and expressions.
Menso brushes are suited for fine lines and
delicate details.
They are characterized by their flexibility,
fine tip, and length.
Brushes with long tips can be challenging
to control when you first start,
and you might find them difficult to use initially.
However, with practice,
you'll come to appreciate their essential role
in drawing fine lines.
Keep practicing to fully experience
the unique benefits of a long-tipped brush.
→Menso Brush
→Japanese style Brush
→Penwork Tool
→Masking Tool/Padding Tool
→White Porcelain
→Useful Tool
→Display Tool
This brush is a traditional Japanese brush
known as a "Menso" brush.
The "Fine line drawing face brush small"
used in this video is
especially recommended for beginners.
The name "Menso" comes from its original
use in painting faces.
"Menso" means "facial expression,"
and these brushes were named for
their application in capturing
facial features and expressions.
Menso brushes are suited for fine lines and
delicate details.
They are characterized by their flexibility,
fine tip, and length.
Brushes with long tips can be challenging
to control when you first start,
and you might find them difficult to use initially.
However, with practice,
you'll come to appreciate their essential role
in drawing fine lines.
Keep practicing to fully experience
the unique benefits of a long-tipped brush.
→Menso Brush
→Japanese style Brush
→Penwork Tool
→Masking Tool/Padding Tool
→White Porcelain
→Useful Tool
→Display Tool
Menso Brush
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全8商品 1-8表示
- 【細い線を描くための初心者向け面相筆】細書面相筆(特イタチ)小 1,150円(税込) 線描きに 初心者にも扱いやすい穂丈短めのオリジナル面相筆。
- 【赤絵など、より線を細く描きたい方におすすめ】細書面相筆(特イタチ)極細 1,150円(税込) 適度なコシがありますので、毛先を効かせると、 スタンダードな細書面相筆よりも細い線が 描けます。
- 【細い線を描くためのスタンダードな面相筆】細書面相筆(特イタチ) 1,150円(税込) 細い線を描くためにおすすめのスタンダードな面相筆。
- 【経験の長い方にもご満足いただける、穂の長い面相筆です】イタチ面相筆 極細 1,760円(税込) 経験の長い方にもご満足いただける、穂の長い面相筆です
- 次回入荷は12月上旬の予定です【毛が硬めで絵具の含みが良いので、線描きに最適】面相筆(黒狸) 極小 935円(税込) 毛が硬めで、絵具の含みが良い筆です。筆先のまとまりが良く、線描きに最適。
- 【盛り絵具を使った面の色伏せにおすすめ】面相筆(黒狸)小 990円(税込) 面の色伏せや線描きに コストパフォーマンスに優れた筆。
【筆が落ちてこないポケット付。風通しがよく、和筆も入る長さです】筆巻 筆袋付き
※クロネコゆうパケット配送不可 825円(税込) 全長30cmの和筆などの長い筆まで入る、竹製の筆ケース。ポケットが付いており、通気性よく筆を保管できます。 - 次回入荷は12月以降となっております【少し短めの穂先で初心者の方にもおすすめ】シルバーフォックス細書面相筆 SOLD OUT コシの強さと少し短めの穂先が 初心者の方にも扱いやすい面相筆です。
全8商品 1-8表示
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