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【Menso Brush】

This brush is a traditional Japanese brush
known as a "Menso" brush.
The "Fine line drawing face brush small"
used in this video is
especially recommended for beginners.

The name "Menso" comes from its original
use in painting faces.
"Menso" means "facial expression,"
and these brushes were named for
their application in capturing
facial features and expressions.

Menso brushes are suited for fine lines and
delicate details.
They are characterized by their flexibility,
fine tip, and length.
Brushes with long tips can be challenging
to control when you first start,
and you might find them difficult to use initially.

However, with practice,
you'll come to appreciate their essential role
in drawing fine lines.
Keep practicing to fully experience
the unique benefits of a long-tipped brush.

Menso Brush


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